(this same post is both on the group blog and my personal blog)

We used survey monkey to do our target group (teenagers/young adults of both genders) research as it is an easy way of reviewing our results, and we asked our target group, of boys and girls in our year groups (ages 16-18) to click on the link and complete the survey.
As you can see the majority of our target group has heard of the film genre apocalypse, this mean that we needed to make our film different, something that would stand out as they were used the genre.
In question 2 again the majority of the answers said that they enjoyed this film genre, this also shows that our audience will know what to expect so we need to follow the norms, but at the same time we need to make out film stand out and interesting for the audience.
Question 3 asked our audience about the main character changes. From the answers it seems like we got a good reaction, so we will defiantly continue with our main characters being female as we think this is effective and will help us make our film stand out and different from the general "post - apocalypse genre.
The reaction from changing the main enemies to something that wont necessary be dead seems to be what we expected which is that it will be slightly controversial, but not a problem for our audience, if we do It well we think that it will defiantly make our film stand out and effective. The reaction shows that out audience will enjoy this vital change
With the final question showing that our target audience is pretty interested in our film, this and the other main ideas show that our target audience likes the ideas we have and that we have pressure to do it well, but if we do it will be very effective. We then showed them a brief viewing of our half completed opening sequence, and the review we got were positive and they said our themes we were trying to show were effective so far
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